Achiziție - Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029

Achiziție Agentia Servicii Publice

Informație generală

Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029
253,075,058.00 MDL
desemnare câștigător

Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029

Licitație deschisă
cel mai mic preț
Licitiație electronică: Da
limba: Romana

11/06/2024 16:39
01/07/2024 15:00
29/07/2024 11:00
deschidere oferte
30/07/2024 15:00
desemnare câștigător

Surse de finanțare

data validării: 11/06/2024 13:52
Trezoreria de Stat

suma planificată 253,075,058.00 MDL

Detalii achiziție

Lot Valoare Pas minim CPV Titlu achiziției Cantitate Livrare Deschidere oferte Link Public
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3) 172,422,958.00 MDL 1,724,229.58 MDL 22450000-9 1.5. Blanchetă – Pașaport diplomatic (PD) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-235:2024 Pașaport diplomatic (PD) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 2500 Bucata 02.09.2024 - 30.12.2029
str. Puskin, 42
2024-07-30 15:00:00
22450000-9 1.1. Blanchetă - Pașaportul cetățeanului Republicii Moldova (PA) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024 Pașaportul cetățeanului Republicii Moldova (PA) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 1920000 Bucata
22450000-9 1.2. Blanchetă – Document de călătorie pentru apartizi (PC) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-232:2024 Document de călătorie pentru apartizi (PC) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 600 Bucata
22450000-9 1.3. Blanchetă – Document de călătorie pentru beneficiarii de protecție umanitară (PH) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-233:2024 Document de călătorie pentru beneficiarii de protecție umanitară (PH) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 3000 Bucata
22450000-9 1.4. Blanchetă – Document de călătorie pentru refugiați (PT) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-234:2024 Document de călătorie pentru refugiați (PT) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 1000 Bucata
22450000-9 1.6. Blanchetă – Pașaport de serviciu (PS) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-236:2024 Pașaport de serviciu (PS) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 2000 Bucata
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1) 80,652,100.00 MDL 806,521.00 MDL 22450000-9 2.1. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport de policarbonat cu cip integrat cu dublă interfață – Cartea de identitate (ID) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-226:2024 Carte de identitate (ID) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 1250000 Bucata 02.09.2024 - 30.12.2029
str. Puskin, 42
2024-07-30 15:18:30
22450000-9 2.2. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport de policarbonat cu cip integrat cu dublă interfață – Cartea de rezidență (RC) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-228:2024 Carte de rezidență (RC) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 70500 Bucata
22450000-9 2.3. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport de policarbonat – Permis de conducere (DL) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-229:2024 Permis de conducere (DL) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 580000 Bucata
22450000-9 2.4. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport pe policarbonat – Certificat de înmatriculare a vehiculului (VP) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-230:2024 Certificat de înmatriculare a vehiculului (VP) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 955000 Bucata


DenumireTip documentReferințaDescriereData publicăriiDescarcă
Anexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signedbiddingDocumentsAchizițieAnexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signed27/06/2024 12:18Descarca
Annex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signedbiddingDocumentsAchizițieAnnex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signed27/06/2024 12:18Descarca
colour shifting of the transparent window.signed.pdfclarificationsAchizițieDocumentul respectiv este raspuns la clarificarea publicata pe platforma de achizitii la data de 26.06.2024, ora 11:01 si nu este parte a documentatiei de atribuire. / The respective appedix is a response to the clarification published on the procurement platform on 26.06.2024, 11:01 a.m. and is not part of the tender documentation27/06/2024 12:18Descarca
anexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro modificat 20.06.2024.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro modificat 20.06.2024.signed.pdf20/06/2024 16:58Descarca
annex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en modified 20.06.2024.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieannex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en modified 20.06.2024.signed.pdf20/06/2024 16:58Descarca
anunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdf19/06/2024 09:56Descarca
procurement notice modified en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieprocurement notice modified en.signed.pdf19/06/2024 09:56Descarca
anexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
anexe la documentatia standard ro.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexe la documentatia standard ro.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
anexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
annex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieannex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
anunț de participare ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanunț de participare ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.docbiddingDocumentsAchizițiedeclarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.doc11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițiedeclarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
duae ro.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițieduae ro.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
duae ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieduae ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
espd - duae en.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițieespd - duae en.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
espd - duae en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieespd - duae en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
procurement notice en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieprocurement notice en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
standard documentation en.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestandard documentation en.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
standard documentation en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestandard documentation en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
statement of beneficial owners -en.docbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestatement of beneficial owners -en.doc11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
statement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestatement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca

Persoană de contact


eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: Chapter Semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separate elements shall be distributed over a large area of the document to protect the main personalization areas on a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them, in order to allow the perfect fusion of the polycarbonate layers during the lamination process. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area (set of different elements with the smallest one being is not bigger than 10 mm2 and the biggest one will not exceed 200 mm2 and the minimum distance between two graphical elements shall be 0.5 mm). DOVID items will display the following features: - maintained in the same plane and angle of light reflection, the two distinct reflective colors of the DOVID will interchange at any 90° rotation. - by tilting DOVID up and down, part or the entire surface of the two colored reflective areas will simultaneously display animations in opposite directions. - a part of one of the two colored reflective areas forms an object that renders a positive 3D relief effect on the "DOVID" surface. The DOVID will be applied to a layer of polycarbonate to ensure adhesion with the body of the card, being placed în the structure of the card above the layer of biographical data engraved by laser. Area size: minimum 70mm x 35 mm.
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:02

DOVID: in the chapter - point g) , the requirements for the DOVID has been written in the tender specification very exact and in detailed manner. The bidder requests for clarification:

a) whether the intention is to reuse the DOVID from today's current ePassport
b) a new DOVID design shall be created by PSA and related costs shall be borne by the PSA (as in chapter 6.3 technical documentation says: "drawing up the design will be carried out by Public Services Agency (PSA)") or
c) a new DOVID design shall be created by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder ?

... afișează tot conținutul


30.06.2024 03:14

a) PSA will not use the current design of DOVID.
b, c) PSA will provide a DOVID design, the final DOVID design shall be adapted by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: General Clauses, Art. 11.2 Art. 11.2 of the Contract mentions that "Proprietatea intelectuală asupra Bunurilor livrate aparţine Cumpărătorului"
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:03

Considering that intellectual property rights and copyrights are further described in the next sentences of the clause, please confirm that it is actually meant that the ownership of the goods is meant to be transferred to the Customer when delivered, thus the first sentence of clause 11.2 becoming: "Proprietatea asupra Bunurilor livrate aparţine Cumpărătorului din momentul livrării".

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The Contracting Authority confirms that the ownership of the delivered Goods belongs to the Buyer from the moment of delivery.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: Art. 8 c)
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:03

Please confirm that the compensation for the Goods found with non-conformities according to the Contract shall be limited to the value of the Goods found with non-conformities, while the overall compensation for this case under the Contract shall not exceed the Contract Value.

... afișează tot conținutul


30.06.2024 03:14

The compensation conditions are outlined in p.8, letter c) of part II SPECIAL CONDITIONS.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:05

As the bidder is in a country in the EEA and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) is applicable as personal data of EU citizens are provided to the Customer.

As, in case of a signature of the Contract, the Customer and the Supplier are both controllers, while personal data is to be exchanged with the Customer, outside the European Economical Area

Please confirm that, in case of an award, the Standard Contractual Clauses provided and available on the website of the European Commission can be signed between the parties as part of the Contract.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The model of the contract, placed on the Automated Information System “State Register of Public Procurement”, is part of the standard documentation to the contracting authority, and the economic operators participating in the tender are obliged to accept the requirements of the contracting authority.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:06

As the bidder is in a country in the EU, the provisions of the EU Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 applies, and therefore it is mandatory to have included, in the contract with the Customers, a clause in application of Article 12g of the Regulation, providing that the Customer / Buyer shall not sell, export or re-export, directly or indirectly any goods and/or technologies supplied under the Contract to a) the Russian Federation or for use in the Russian Federation and in the Ukrainian territories controlled by the Russian Federation, or b) any individual or entity subject to EU sanctions or restrictive measures, as well as to any entity owned by, controlled by or acting for individuals or entities subject to EU sanctions or restrictive measures and that breach of such clause shall be deemed a material breach of the Contract.

Please confirm that in case of an award such clause will be inserted in the Contract to be signed or that the Customer will provide a statement in this regard after the signature of the Contract.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

Award documentation doesn't change.
The Object of purchase is strictly determined for the requirements of the contracting authority.

... afișează tot conținutul

eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 11.2.5 11.2.5 Remarks and visa pages shall contain the following security printing features : …[..] e) floating numeration of pages (combination of collocation marks and page numbers) invisible under normal light, exhibiting fluorescence under UV light;
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:06

The term "collocation marks a" is not clear , we kindly ask PSA to explain in more details this requested security feature.

... afișează tot conținutul


30.06.2024 03:14

It a mistake in the translation. The correct wording is “Collation mark”- which means floating mark.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: 12 12. Final provisions , II. SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS In this chapter the Buyer describes the phases for the design project. (LOT 1 & 2)
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:07

Please confirm that our understanding is correct: Buyer will prepare Design Projects and will deliver them to the Supplier. Please provide the definition of “Design Projects of the Goods”, and what elements are included in it?

... afișează tot conținutul


30.06.2024 03:14

The Design projects of the Good will include: the final design of the document's background (high-quality vector and raster graphics) with the document name and data field names, requirements for the positioning and shape of security features, as well as a description of the inks used and their characteristics (e.g., color transition in iris printing).
The files will be presented in PDF and/or CGT (Corvina) format, for each separate layers and colors.

... afișează tot conținutul

eRP: ST_MD_35_37603221_228_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.2.1 According to chapter 7.2.1 a Semi-transparent DOVID shall be applied to the eRP - residence card.
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:07

For the financial calculation we are asking for clarification if the bidder can use the same DOVID as for the eID card ?

... afișează tot conținutul


30.06.2024 03:14

The same DOVID will be used for all types of cards ID1 from lot no. 2.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: 10.3 10.3. For late delivery of Goods, the Supplier shall bear material liability in the amount of 0.1 % of the amount of undelivered Goods for each day of delay, but not more than 10,0 % of the total amount of this Contract.
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:08

Please confirm that the limit shall be, for each delay delivery, 10% of the total value of the delayed Goods or, alternatively, 10% of the value of the delayed delivery/Purchase Order.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

Within the meaning of point 10.3 of the Model Contract, for late delivery of Goods, the Supplier shall bear material liability in the amount of 0.1 % of the amount of undelivered Goods for each day of delay. The amount of all penalties shall not exceed 10% of the total value of the Contract.

... afișează tot conținutul

eID: ST_MD_35_37603221_226_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 7.2.1 7.2.1 Semi-transparent DOVID cons1stmg of separate elements shall be distributed over a large area of the document to protect the main personalization areas on a discontinuous reflective layer. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them, in order to allow the perfect fusion of the polycarbonate layers during the lamination process. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area (set of different elements with the smallest one being not bigger then 10 mm2 and the biggest one will not exeed 200 mm2 and the minimum distance between two graphical elements shall be 0,5 mm). DOVID items will display the following feature: - maintained in the same plane and angle of light reflection, the two distinct reflective colors of the DOVID will interchange at any 90° rotation. - by tilting DOVID up and down, part or the entire surface of the two colored reflective areas will simultaneously display animations in opposite directions. - a part of one of the two colored reflective areas forms an object that renders a positive 3D relief effect on the "DOVID" surface. - the DOVID will be applied to a layer of polycarbonate to ensure adhesion with the body of the card, being placed in the structure of the card above the layer of biographical data engraved by laser. Area size: minimum 31 mm x 31 mm.
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:23

DOVID: in the chapter 7.2.1, the requirements for the DOVID has been written in the tender specification very exact and in detailed manner. The bidder requests for clarification:

a) whether the intention is to reuse the DOVID from today's current ID card, or
b) a new DOVID design shall be created by PSA and related costs shall be borne by the PSA (as in chapter 6.6 technical documentation says: "drawing up the design will be carried out by Public Services Agency (PSA)") or
c) a new DOVID design shall be created by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder ?

... afișează tot conținutul


30.06.2024 03:14

a) PSA will not use the current design of DOVID.
b, c) PSA will provide a DOVID design, the final DOVID design shall be adapted by bidder and related costs shall be borne by the bidder.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:25

Inflation : do we have the possibility to add a variation of price following a specific index?

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

Award documentation of the contracting authority doesn't provide for the possibility of adjusting the unit price/value of the contract.

... afișează tot conținutul

Model Contract Chapter/Point: Not mentioned
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:25

Payment term : as no down payment seems to be approved we would like to add a payment by a letter of Credit ( irrevocable and confirmed by an international bank)?

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The payment terms are indicated in the Model Contract. The model contract doesn't change.

... afișează tot conținutul

eP: ST_MD_35_37603221_231_2024.pdf Chapter/Point: 8.3 8.3 The sewing method that stitches the sheets into the booklet must be done through the chip inlay located in the cover to prevent the inlay from being removed from the passport booklet and must prevent the pages from being removed \without leaving clear traces of this.
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 01:26

Regarding the request that the sewing must be done through the chip inlay located in the cover to prevent the inlay from being removed from the passport booklet, we would like the customer to kindly consider making optional. First, it adds no security: the risk of inlay removing from a booklet is not a threat. Most forgeries involve disabling the inlay by cutting the connection between the antenna and the module, not removing the whole inlay (it would leave many visible marks like creases or air bubbles on the inner cover). Secondly, it is not standard and requires adaptation that will increase the price of the document.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

Thank you for the recomendation, but
please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.

... afișează tot conținutul

pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:25

According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.1.2 Security features,, clause d) the data page shall include the lenticular surface containing offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and this lenticular surface will be partially filled out during personalization process. According to clause 12.3.10 On the lenticular surface of the MLI the secondary image of the holder and the serial number of the passport shall be engraved.

Question: Please confirm that the lenticular surface objects that are described in the mentioned clauses is the same (one) object or are these two separate objects (one with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and one lenticular surface object containing secondary photo and serial number).

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The lenticular surface object is the same (one) object (a part of it with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and another part of lenticular surface object will contain the secondary photo and serial number).

... afișează tot conținutul

pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:26

According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.1.2 Security features, clause g) a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area.

Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.

... afișează tot conținutul

pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:26

According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 7.2.2 Security features of the paper, clause and clause, Paper used for manufacturing of the inside cover layer and paper used for inner sheets of the passport booklet shall contain at least three types of fibers with fluorescence under UV light. One type of fiber being controllable in the visible part of the spectrum and two types invisible in normal light (multicolored fluorescent fibers (blue, yellow and red) alongside with colored fibers (except blue fluorescent fibers)).

Question: Please clarify or confirm that PSA require at least three types of fibers with fluorescence under UV, one of which is to be a visible UV fluorescent fiber of any colour, the second type to be invisible UV fluorescent multicolor (rainbow-like) fiber which fluoresces in three colors (blue, yellow and red) at the same time (meaning that one same fiber has three different colour zones) and third fiber to be invisible of any UV fluorescent color.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

According to the p. and p. paper used for inside cover layer and inner sheets of the passport booklet shall contain 3 types of security fibers:
1. One single color fibers VIS + UV fluorescence (red or magenta).
2. Multicolored (three colors - meaning that one same fiber has three different color zones) fibers (blue, yellow and red) - UV fluorescence only.
3. One single color fibers with UV fluorescence only (yellow-green).

... afișează tot conținutul

pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:27

According to ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024, Annex B on the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova, 8 Binding of the passport booklet, clause 8.3, the sewing method that stitches the sheets into the booklet must be done through the chip inlay located in the cover to prevent the inlay from being removed from the passport booklet and must prevent the pages from being removed without leaving clear traces of this.

Question: It is a very uncommon requirement to have stitching trough the chip inlay located in the cover. Normally, the chip inlay is a part of the ecover fixed with reactive or non-reactive bond and there is no way to stitch through it as it would also stitch the cover through. Usually the inlay has a gap in the stitching area. The common practice is bonding the inlay to the cover and the sewn pages secures it from being removed from the booklet while the reinforcement tape secures the pages from being removed from booklet without the trace. Please confirm that the above mentioned practice without stitching though the ecover is acceptable.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.

... afișează tot conținutul

ID card
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:28

According to ST MD 35-37603221-226:2024, Annex B on the Identity card, clause 7.2.1, a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area.

Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.

... afișează tot conținutul

ID card
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:28

According to ST MD 35-37603221-226:2024, Annex B on the Identity card, 7.2.3 and, the lenticular surface of the outer layer of the substrate located on the backside of the card intended for CLI/MLI images, will contain offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and this lenticular surface will be partially filled out during personalization process. Accoring to clause The following features will be laser engraved through the lenticular surface on the backside: the secondary image of the holder, the serial number of the identity card and the expiry date.

Question: Please confirm that the lenticular surface objects that are described in the mentioned clauses is the same (one) object or are these two separate objects (one with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and one lenticular surface object containing secondary photo and serial number).

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The lenticular surface object is the same (one) object (a part of it with offset pre-printed lenticular effect image and another part of lenticular surface object will contain the secondary photo and serial number).

... afișează tot conținutul

RC card
pentru Achiziție
27.06.2024 12:28

According to ST MD 35-37603221-228:2024, Annex B on the Residence card, clause 7.2.1, a semi-transparent DOVID consisting of separete elements shall be distributed over large area of the document. These elements will form inlays of foils without any residual materials between them. Each DOVID element is applied as a discontinuous area.

Question: Please clarify whether the separate DOVID elements are expected to be included on the foil which covers full area of document with DOVID effect elements placed at the required distance or shall DOVID effect elements be included on appropriate separate foil pieces which would cover only the appropriate size area of document which depends on the element size.

... afișează tot conținutul


05.07.2024 10:57

The Bidders will provide the solution to execute this requirement using technology at their discretion.

... afișează tot conținutul


Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3) 172,422,958.00 MDL
26/07/2024 15:09
12,702,760.00 MDL
Ofertă refuzată
29/07/2024 08:18
214,701,838.94 MDL
Ofertă acceptată
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1) 80,652,100.00 MDL
28/07/2024 16:25
4,027,125.00 MDL
Ofertă acceptată
26/07/2024 15:10
5,976,625.00 MDL
Ofertă refuzată
29/07/2024 08:18
87,000,492.85 MDL
Ofertă refuzată
29/07/2024 09:21
117,625,031.28 MDL
Ofertă refuzată