Achiziție - Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029

Achiziție Agentia Servicii Publice

Informație generală

Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029
253,075,058.00 MDL
perioada de clarificari

Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029

Licitație deschisă
cel mai mic preț
Licitiație electronică: Da
limba: Romana

11/06/2024 16:39
01/07/2024 15:00
29/07/2024 11:00
deschidere oferte
30/07/2024 15:00
desemnare câștigător

Surse de finanțare

data validării: 11/06/2024 13:52
Trezoreria de Stat

suma planificată 253,075,058.00 MDL

Detalii achiziție

Lot Valoare Pas minim CPV Titlu achiziției Cantitate Livrare Deschidere oferte Link Public
Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3) 172,422,958.00 MDL 1,724,229.58 MDL 22450000-9 1.1. Blanchetă - Pașaportul cetățeanului Republicii Moldova (PA) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-231:2024 Pașaportul cetățeanului Republicii Moldova (PA) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 1920000 Bucata 02.09.2024 - 30.12.2029
str. Puskin, 42
2024-07-30 15:00:00
22450000-9 1.2. Blanchetă – Document de călătorie pentru apartizi (PC) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-232:2024 Document de călătorie pentru apartizi (PC) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 600 Bucata
22450000-9 1.3. Blanchetă – Document de călătorie pentru beneficiarii de protecție umanitară (PH) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-233:2024 Document de călătorie pentru beneficiarii de protecție umanitară (PH) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 3000 Bucata
22450000-9 1.4. Blanchetă – Document de călătorie pentru refugiați (PT) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-234:2024 Document de călătorie pentru refugiați (PT) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 1000 Bucata
22450000-9 1.5. Blanchetă – Pașaport diplomatic (PD) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-235:2024 Pașaport diplomatic (PD) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 2500 Bucata
22450000-9 1.6. Blanchetă – Pașaport de serviciu (PS) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-236:2024 Pașaport de serviciu (PS) cu pagina cu date din policarbonat 2000 Bucata
Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1) 80,652,100.00 MDL 806,521.00 MDL 22450000-9 2.1. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport de policarbonat cu cip integrat cu dublă interfață – Cartea de identitate (ID) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-226:2024 Carte de identitate (ID) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 1250000 Bucata 02.09.2024 - 30.12.2029
str. Puskin, 42
2024-07-30 15:18:30
22450000-9 2.2. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport de policarbonat cu cip integrat cu dublă interfață – Cartea de rezidență (RC) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-228:2024 Carte de rezidență (RC) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 70500 Bucata
22450000-9 2.3. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport de policarbonat – Permis de conducere (DL) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-229:2024 Permis de conducere (DL) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 580000 Bucata
22450000-9 2.4. Blanchetă (cartelă) pe suport pe policarbonat – Certificat de înmatriculare a vehiculului (VP) - Sarcina tehnică ST MD 35-37603221-230:2024 Certificat de înmatriculare a vehiculului (VP) Formatul ID-1 pe suport de policarbonat 955000 Bucata


DenumireTip documentReferințaDescriereData publicăriiDescarcă
Anexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signedbiddingDocumentsAchizițieAnexa nr 24, Blanchete 2024-2029 RO modif 27.06.202.signed27/06/2024 12:18Descarca
Annex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signedbiddingDocumentsAchizițieAnnex no. 24 Blanks 2024-2029 EN modified 27.06.signed27/06/2024 12:18Descarca
colour shifting of the transparent window.signed.pdfclarificationsAchizițieDocumentul respectiv este raspuns la clarificarea publicata pe platforma de achizitii la data de 26.06.2024, ora 11:01 si nu este parte a documentatiei de atribuire. / The respective appedix is a response to the clarification published on the procurement platform on 26.06.2024, 11:01 a.m. and is not part of the tender documentation27/06/2024 12:18Descarca
anexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro modificat 20.06.2024.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro modificat 20.06.2024.signed.pdf20/06/2024 16:58Descarca
annex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en modified 20.06.2024.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieannex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en modified 20.06.2024.signed.pdf20/06/2024 16:58Descarca
anunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanunț de participare modificat ro.signed.pdf19/06/2024 09:56Descarca
procurement notice modified en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieprocurement notice modified en.signed.pdf19/06/2024 09:56Descarca
anexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexa nr 24 - blanchete 2024-2029 ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
anexe la documentatia standard ro.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexe la documentatia standard ro.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
anexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanexe la documentatia standard ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
annex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieannex no. 24 blanks 2024-2029 en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
anunț de participare ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieanunț de participare ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.docbiddingDocumentsAchizițiedeclarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.doc11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
declarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițiedeclarație beneficiarilor efectivi ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
duae ro.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițieduae ro.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
duae ro.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieduae ro.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
espd - duae en.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițieespd - duae en.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
espd - duae en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieespd - duae en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
procurement notice en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițieprocurement notice en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
standard documentation en.docxbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestandard documentation en.docx11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
standard documentation en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestandard documentation en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
statement of beneficial owners -en.docbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestatement of beneficial owners -en.doc11/06/2024 16:39Descarca
statement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdfbiddingDocumentsAchizițiestatement of beneficial owners -en.signed.pdf11/06/2024 16:39Descarca

Persoană de contact


Procurement notice Qualification and selection criteria (description of the criterion/requirement)
pentru Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
17.06.2024 12:08

Procurement notice Qualification and selection criteria (description of the criterion/requirement)
Point 3: Bid security 1%
Bid security form (issued by a bank), according to Annex no. 9 to the standard Documentation approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance no. 115 as of 15.09.2021

Please confirm that the issuing bank of the bid security must not be a bank in the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The bis security can be issued by a bank in the country of the origin of the bidder.

Please also clarify that the bid security must be exactly 1 % of the price offer or it can be an amount between 1 % and 2 % of the offered price.

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18.06.2024 14:39

Dear bidder,
According to the tender documentation, published on and the requested bid security is 1% from the total bid price without VAT.
The contracting authority will accept:
a) Bid security form (issued by a bank), according to Annex no. 9 to the standard Documentation approved by the Order of the Minister of Finance no. 115 as of 15.09.2021
b) Transfer to the account of the contracting authority (payment order)

The contracting authority will accept the electronic copy of the hand-signed paper document without the application of the electronic signature or the document confirmed by electronic signature of the economic operator (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova).

... afișează tot conținutul

Procurement notice Qualification and selection criteria (description of the criterion/requirement / ESPD/DUAE)
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
17.06.2024 12:11

Point 18: Data from the Registry of Forensic and Criminological Information in the country of origin

Please clarify if we understand the right way:
If according to the national law of the State in which the Bidder is established, the clarification criteria can be confirmed by a sworn statement before a public notary, made by the person who has the right the represent the bidder and for the signature of the tender documentation, we do not need to present data from the Registry if forensic and terminological information for company directors or any other person with the power of representation, decision or control over the candidate, but it is enough if we present the sworn statement / self-declaration.

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18.06.2024 14:39

Dear bidder,
According to the tender documentation, the contracting authority requires a copy of the document regarding the Data from the Registry of Forensic and Criminological Information, issued by the competent body for the legal entity.

Only in case the requested document is not issued in the country of origin, the contracting authority accepts the sworn statement/self-declaration made before a public notary.

Document confirmed by hand-signed or, by electronic signature of the economic operator (recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova).

... afișează tot conținutul

Submission of the documents
pentru Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
17.06.2024 12:13

According to the Qualification and selection criteria, the submitted documents must be Electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of the electronic signature or the documents confirmed by the electronic signature of the economic operator. (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova)

Please confirm that for the submission of the tender the bidder does not need to have a Moldovan electronic signature, the offer can be submitted using only electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of any electronic signature.

... afișează tot conținutul


18.06.2024 14:39

Dear bidder,
the contracting authority will accept:
the electronic copies of the hand-signed paper documents without the application of the electronic signature (for non-resident)
the documents confirmed by electronic signature of the economic operator (electronic signature recognized on the territory of the Republic of Moldova).

... afișează tot conținutul

Anexa 24-contract model
pentru Achiziție
19.06.2024 11:12

Referitor la Contractul model prezentat in Anexa 24 va adresam rugamintea de a analiza urmatoarele:
1. Va rugam sa introduceti clauze pentru acordarea ,,Bunului de tipar" de catre comparator, pe machetele produselor de urmeaza a fi tiparite.

2. Avand in vedere perioada de valabilitate a contractului de 4 ani, exista posibilitatea ajustarii pretului in perioada de derulare a contractului ?

3. Avand in vedere ca in contract se mentioneaza ca, in situatia in care sunt constatate neconformitati, compensarea cheltuielilor pentru bunurile neconforme se va face ce catre furnizor in cinci zile, exista posibilitatea ca inainte de compensarea cheltuielilor Furnizorul sa inlocuiasca produsele neconforme ?

4. Cu privire la penalitati, va rgam sa analizati posibilitatea ca acestea sa fie puse in oglinda ca procente atat pentru furnizor cat si pentru cumparator.

... afișează tot conținutul

garantie de participare
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19.06.2024 11:06

Va rugam sa ne comunicati daca Garantia de participare se poate constitui pentru ambele loturi cu acelasi instrument bancar (ex. ordin de plata, scrisoare de garantie bancara) sau trebuie constituita in mod distinct pentru fiecare lot.

... afișează tot conținutul


20.06.2024 13:23

Garanția pentru ofertă de 1 % se depune pentru lotul la care participă operatorul economic. În cazul depunerii ofertei pentru ambele loturi, garanția pentru ofertă poate fi constituită printr-un singur instrument bancar (ordin de plată / scrisoare bancară), cu depunerea pentru fiecare lot separat.

... afișează tot conținutul

licitatie electronica
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19.06.2024 11:09

Va rugam sa ne comunicati care este modalitatea de desfasurare a etapelor de licitatie electronica. Oferta trebuie imbunatatita cu procentul de minim 1% in fiecare etapa sau doar per total?
Daca la primele doua etape de licitatie electronica nu se imbunatateste oferta, se poate participa la ultima etapa de licitatie electronica?

... afișează tot conținutul


20.06.2024 13:23

În documentația de atribuire, autoritatea contractantă a indicat pasul minim de 1% pentru licitația electronică, pentru fiecare rundă separat. Totodată, vă informăm că decizia de a îmbunătăți oferta în cadrul rundelor de licitație electronică îi aparține operatorului economic.
Cu referire la aspectele de ordin tehnic, vă rugăm să vă adresați la suportul tehnic al platformei MTender (

... afișează tot conținutul

Anexa 24-contract model
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19.06.2024 13:38

Referitor la Contractul model prezentat in Anexa 24 va adresam rugamintea de a analiza urmatoarele:
1. Va rugam sa introduceti clauze pentru acordarea ,,Bunului de tipar" de catre comparator, pe machetele produselor de urmeaza a fi tiparite.

2. Avand in vedere perioada de valabilitate a contractului de 4 ani, exista posibilitatea ajustarii pretului in perioada de derulare a contractului ?

3. Avand in vedere ca in contract se mentioneaza ca, in situatia in care sunt constatate neconformitati, compensarea cheltuielilor pentru bunurile neconforme se va face ce catre furnizor in cinci zile, exista posibilitatea ca inainte de compensarea cheltuielilor Furnizorul sa inlocuiasca produsele neconforme ?

4. Cu privire la penalitati, va rgam sa analizati posibilitatea ca acestea sa fie puse in oglinda ca procente atat pentru furnizor cat si pentru cumparator.

... afișează tot conținutul


20.06.2024 17:21

1. Documentația de atribuire a fost modificată (completată).
2. Documentația de atribuire nu prevede modalitatea de ajustare a prețului în perioada de valabilitate a contractului.
3. Înlocuirea produselor neconforme nu este posibilă, deoarece numerele de ordine ale blanchetelor rebutate (în baza actului de constatare a rebutului) se fixează în Sistemul de evidență a blanchetelor cu statutul „REBUT”, și, respectiv, acestea nu pot fi utilizate repetat pe blanchete ca produs conform.
4. Clauza contractuală a fost modificată în felul următor - 10.4. Pentru achitarea cu întârziere a Bunurilor, Cumpărătorul poartă răspundere materială în valoare de 0,1% din suma neachitată în termen, pentru fiecare zi de întârziere, dar nu mai mult de 10% din suma totală a prezentului Contract.

... afișează tot conținutul

Supporting documents for ESPD/DUAE
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
19.06.2024 11:12

According to ESPD / DUAR form, Chapter V. General guidelines for qualification and selection criteria, point 5.A.1.
Is the economic operator able to submit to the Automated Information System “State Register of Public Procurement” or by electronic means, or if necessary, on paper to the contracting authority: forms, certificates, notices and other documents indicated by the contracting authority/ contracting entity in the Procurement notice and Standard documentation?

Deadline 7 calendar days from the date of request

Please clarify if all the documents listed in the Procurement Notice ( documents listed under points 1- 20 ) need to be submitted with the offer or if some of these documents are considered supporting documents for the ESPD / DUAE form and need to be submitted only on request from the Contracting Authority within a term of up to 7 days.

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25.06.2024 13:32

The economic operator can submit on the electronic platform, along with the bid, all the documents requested by point 17 of the Procurement Notice or can submit, within a period of 7 calendar days, at the request of the contracting authority, the documents related to ESPD/DUAE and indicated in sub-points 9, 11, 13-19. The document from sub-point 20 will be presented only by the economic operator designated as winner.

... afișează tot conținutul

Supporting documents for ESPD/DUAE
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
20.06.2024 12:38

According to ESPD / DUAR form, Chapter V. General guidelines for qualification and selection criteria, point 5.A.1.
Is the economic operator able to submit to the Automated Information System “State Register of Public Procurement” or by electronic means, or if necessary, on paper to the contracting authority: forms, certificates, notices and other documents indicated by the contracting authority/ contracting entity in the Procurement notice and Standard documentation?

Deadline 7 calendar days from the date of request

Please clarify if all the documents listed in the Procurement Notice ( documents listed under points 1- 20 ) need to be submitted with the offer or if some of these documents are considered supporting documents for the ESPD / DUAE form and need to be submitted only on request from the Contracting Authority within a term of up to 7 days.

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21.06.2024 08:04

The economic operator can submit on the electronic platform, along with the bid, all the documents requested by point 17 of the Procurement Notice or can submit, within a period of 7 calendar days, at the request of the contracting authority, the documents related to ESPD/DUAE and indicated in sub-points 9, 11, 13-19. The document from sub-point 20 will be presented only by the economic operator designated as winner.

... afișează tot conținutul

pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
20.06.2024 17:08

Please be so kind and confirm that the last day to ask for clarification is 24. June ( till the end of the day ). Thank you.

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21.06.2024 08:06

The deadline for requesting clarifications and the deadline for bid submission was extended. Please study the tender documentation carefully and follow the electronic platform for any updates.

... afișează tot conținutul

Extension of the deadline for enquiry period and for bid submission
pentru Achiziție
19.06.2024 11:12

Taking into account the fact that the technical specification for the procurement № 21236372 “Blanchete pentru actele de identitate din sistemul național de pașapoarte, permise de conducere și certificate de înmatriculare, pentru perioada anilor 2024 - 2029”, can only be received in person at Public Services Agency at Alexander Pushkin st. 42, Chisinau, as well as the summer holiday period in State authorities, which negatively affects processing time of our requests for obtaining qualification documentation requested by this procurement, we ask you to consider extension of the proposal submission deadline for an additional 3 weeks.

In particular :
- deadline for enquiry (clarification) period to be extended by 15.07.2024
- deadline for bid submission to be extended by 07.08.2024

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20.06.2024 17:21

Dear bidder,
Please note that the deadline for requesting clarifications and the deadline for bid submission will be extended.
Please study the tender documentation carefully and follow the electronic platform for any updates.

... afișează tot conținutul

Technical specification
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24.06.2024 15:17

1) “7 .1.1.2 The cardbody shall be made out from PC in a multilayer security structure, technologically assembled, with a thickness not exceeding 0,76 mm and rounded corners at the outer edges (radius 3, l 8±0,30mm).
Note: Manufacturer shall provide to Beneficiary the information on the number of layers of the PC card, which must not be less than 6 layers.”
We would like to ask PSA to allow the bidders to recommend different multi-layer structure and thickness of the polycarbonate data page, keeping the requirement of security features and the high-quality of the products.

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28.06.2024 17:47

Any recommendations not contrary to the technical specifications will be taken into account.

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Technical specification
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24.06.2024 15:17

2) “ The hinge, made out of synthetic material, shall be partially inserted in a PC security card body.”
We would like to ask PSA to allow the bidders to recommend a fully inserted hinge in the polycarbonate data page instead of the partially inserted one, thus this way the polycarbonate data page will own a better result in tensile strength, furthermore, it does not have any disadvantageous attribute nor on the graphics, nor on the quality of the product.

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28.06.2024 17:47

Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.

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Technical specification
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24.06.2024 15:19

3) “The hinge shall be secured with enough security features of the level 1 (inspected without equipment) and level 2 (inspected with simple equipment), allowing its easy/instant identification and preventing the card body removing and/or replacement, namely: UV fluorescent inks/IR inks and/or other features embedded in the material; design features precisely aligned in a certain sequence etc.”
Please allow to change the requirement of level 2 security feature of the hinge. It does not have a significant effect on the security of the product, thus, we would like to recommend other, additional security feature in the booklet (level 2 or level 3), which would protect the document with higher security.

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28.06.2024 17:47

Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.

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Technical specification
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24.06.2024 15:20

As stated in the technical specification, the passport products differ in the color of the cover. Is there any other part which shall be different? For example, the color of the inside cover page, visa pages, data page, differences in design, serial numbering, etc.

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28.06.2024 17:47

All types of the passport products will incorporate the following identical features:
a) background design;
b) security elements (such as MLI, holographic element, transparent window, tactile element of title page and data page), their shape and positioning;
c) paper and security features of the paper (such as watermark, security thread, security fibres).

Two different colour ranges will be used for the inside pages:
- One colour ranges for the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova (PA)
- Second colour ranges for the (PS, PD) Passports and (PC, PH, PT) Travel documents

The passport blanks will be differentiated by:
- cover color;
- information on the inner cover (front and back);
- content of the title page;
- content of the data page;
- the text on the visa pages;
- serial number.

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ID3 documents
pentru Achiziție
25.06.2024 12:37

Will all types of ID3 passports/travel documents have the same graphic design? Please confirm all the differences in design between all types of ID3 passports/travel documents. Apart from different colours of covers, golden foil on the front cover and the serial numbering – are there any other differences?

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28.06.2024 17:47

All types of the passport products will incorporate the following identical features:
a) background design;
b) security elements (such as MLI, holographic element, transparent window, tactile element of title page and data page), their shape and positioning;
c) paper and security features of the paper (such as watermark, security thread, security fibres).

Two different colour ranges will be used for the inside pages:
- One colour ranges for the Passport of citizen of the Republic of Moldova (PA)
- Second colour ranges for the (PS, PD) Passports and (PC, PH, PT) Travel documents

The passport blanks will be differentiated by:
- cover color;
- information on the inner cover (front and back);
- content of the title page;
- content of the data page;
- the text on the visa pages;
- serial number.

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Graphic design
pentru Achiziție
25.06.2024 12:38

Will you provide a complete graphic design files and information (colour separations, pantone indications etc)?

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28.06.2024 17:47

Yes, PSA will provide a complete graphic design files and information (colour separations, pantone indications etc.).

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Graphic design
pentru Achiziție
25.06.2024 12:38

Will the new graphic design be identical/similar/different from current (in circulation since 2023) passport?

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28.06.2024 17:47

The design of the new passport will be different from the current one.

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Delivery times / contract
pentru Lotul nr. 1 Blanchete de pașaport / documente de călătorie (format TD 3)
24.06.2024 15:23

“1. The Buyer shall submit the Design projects of the Goods to the Supplier and provide support and advice in their usage. The transmission of the Design projects to the Supplier is carried out by drawing up an Act of delivery-receipt signed by both Parties. The Design projects for Lot No.1 will be submitted in Quarter 1 of 2025, and for Lot No.2 within 5 (five) calendar days from the contract signature date.
2. Within 60 calendar days from the signing of the Act of delivery-receipt of Design projects, the Supplier shall ensure the adaptation of the Design and the adjustment of the color range, the printing approval and the production of 5 (five) assembled models for each type of blank. Every step will be coordinated and approved by the Buyer.
3. Within 30 calendar days from the Buyer’s final approval of the assembled Blank models, the Supplier is obliged to produce and deliver to the Buyer, free of charge, Blank-specimens for technological needs according to the Delivery Plan. At the same time, the Supplier shall transmit to the Buyer the Design of the Goods, developed in digital format (PDF format, on electronic support), which contains graphic information (vector and high-quality raster in the corresponding layers).”
a) Please provide the definition of “Design projects of the Goods”, and what steps it includes.
b) Depending on the response for the previous question, and the exact date of signing of the contract, the given time for the preparation for the production of the passport is significantly short. Thus the contract shall be signed at least 6-7 months before the sample production of the passport booklets, due to the design preparation phase, raw material preparation, acceptance and order. For this reason, we would like to recommend to modify the requirement according to the above-mentioned time frame. This way, this condition is a significant advantage of the current provider, but other companies would also have the chance to provide a competitive offer in time.

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28.06.2024 17:47

a) The Design projects of the Goods will include the final design of the document's background (high-quality vector and raster graphics) with the document name and data field names, requirements for the positioning and shape of security features, as well as a description of the inks used and their characteristics (e.g., color transition in iris print).
The files will be presented in PDF and/or CGT (Corvina) format, for each separate layers and colors.

b) The specified execution terms, as outlined in the clause point 2, part II. Special Contract Conditions, will be extended to 90 calendar days.

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Technical specifications
pentru Lotul nr. 2 Blanchete (cartele) pe suport de policarbonat cu/fără cip integrat (format ID-1)
24.06.2024 15:24

“7.1.4 The polycarbonate substrate shall have a multi-layer structure (at least seven layers) technologically assembled, without adhesive, by hot pressing, which will not allow the layers to separate.”
Is it possible to recommend different multi-layer structure of the cards, keeping the requirement of security features and the high-quality of the products?

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28.06.2024 17:47

Please comply with the requirements stated in the Technical specifications.

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