Ofertă pentruExtindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova 
Date procedură de achiziție
Extindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova 
Consiliul Norvegian pentru Refugiati
Extindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova 
Valoare achiziție
896,000.00 MDL
Perioadă de depunere oferte
2023-10-13 21:00:00 - 2023-10-16 21:00:00
Obiect achiziție
Valoare lot
Valoare ofertă, fără TVA
Publicată la data: 16/10/2023 18:06
17/10/2023 00:00annex 1 - supplier ethcicatl standard declaration (1).signed.pdfGaranțiiExtindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova Annex 1- Supplier Ethcicath Standart DeclarationRomana
17/10/2023 00:00annex 2 - tor for vocational training - final - ro (1).signed.pdfGaranțiiExtindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova Annex 2 - ToR for vocational TrainingRomana
17/10/2023 00:00rfq-romo-co-23-052 (1).signed.signed.pdfGaranțiiExtindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova RFQRomana
17/10/2023 00:00extras technovator (1).pdfDoc. de eligibilitate (DUAE)Extindere 2-years Framework Agreement for the provision of Vocational Trainings in Chisinau & North of the Republic of Moldova Extras TechnovatorRomana