Ofertă pentruLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5
Date procedură de achiziție
Tulpini de referinta,standarde si suplimente
I.P. Centrul Republican de Diagnostică Veterinară
Tulpini de referinta,standarde si suplimente
Valoare achiziție
516,220.00 MDL
Perioadă de depunere oferte
2020-10-26 07:00:41 - 2020-10-30 07:00:00
Obiect achiziție
Valoare lot
Valoare ofertă, fără TVA
LOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5
LOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5
Publicată la data: 29/10/2020 14:43
02/11/2020 14:42licenta dispozitive 02.2022.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42m1623.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42m087i.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42f4.2.semnat.pdfPropunere financiarăLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42certificatul de înregistrare a sanmedico srl.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42tcs biosciences iso 9001.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42ordin (persoanele autoriazate).semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42m1214.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42m011.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42garantia bancara.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42cont bancar fil 11.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42duae.semnat.pdfDoc. de eligibilitate (DUAE)LOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42himedia ce.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42himedia iso9001-2015.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42m290.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42tcs biosciences selectrol ce declaration.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42ecolab ce declaration_plasma.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42ecolab iso 13485-2016.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42f4.1.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42certificat fisc 12.11.2020.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42ecolab ce plasma.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42tulpini de referinta -selectrol brochure.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42himedia iso 13485-2016.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42raport fin.2019.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42tcs biosciences instructiunea selectrol ro.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42extras.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42tcs biosciences iso 14001.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42m043b.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana
02/11/2020 14:42tcs biosciences annex doc selectrol.semnat.pdfGaranțiiLOT 75 Tryptone soya bullion (TSB) Compozitia: Tryptone (Pancreatic Digest of Casein) 17.0 g Soytone (Peptic Digest of Soybean) 3.0 Glucose (= Dextrose) 2.5 Sodium Chloride 5.0 Dipotassium Phosphate 2.5 Romana